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wtorek, 17 września 2013

My cacti have spent this summer in the place different than usual. Due to renovation works in our house, I had to move them. They were standing next to wooden house, partially under the roof, exposed to the Eastern and Southern sun. I was afraid that they won't get enough sun, but they seemed to like this new location. Through May, June, July, August and until now, I have admired flowers on my cacti. My daughters told me the flowers are artificial and I attach them when nobody sees it. Well, they really look amazing, however they are real, and the proof for my daughters were some flowers closing themselves in the afternoons.
Mammillarias have had flowers almost constantly and blooming for longer periods, while other cacti's flowers faded after one or two days.
I didn't have to take much care of them during the summer. I watered them from time to time, once 2 or 3 days. I gave them some cacti food. I still fight with mealybugs, so at the beginning of the season I sprayed them with some bug poison - now I don't remember the name of it.
Altogether these actions brought great results. You can see them on the photos.

4 komentarze:

  1. Lubię ten blog i proszę o częstsze wpisy! :)

  2. Dziękuję bardzo za miłe słowa. Postaram się częściej pisać, skoro jest jakiś czytelnik;)

  3. Ale tak serio. Te wszystkie kaktusy są Twoje? To jakieś szaleństwo! Ale lubię to! Podoba mi się!

  4. Haha, szaleństwo zaczyna się gdy kończy się lato i trzeba to gdzies zmieścić w domu...
